Saturday, March 10, 2007

In Loving Memory of Grandma

Name : Md Lee Liang Eng
Born : June 1, 1943 in Segamat, Johor - Malaysia
Deceased : February 2, 2007 in Petaling Jaya
In Loving Memories
"Your role as wife, mother, friend and grandmother will be treasured deeply in our hearts forever."
There could be no price put on all you do
For all you have done for us
Thanking you could never be done in a day
As always you will understand
You give us a smile to begin each new day
Making sure we start the day together
Letting us know the day will be special
Never once forgetting to tell us of your love
Although you are gone in such short notice
Your departure deeply sadden us
We know you are in good hands with God
It will be that day we meet in His Kingdom
"A loving heart, a beautiful spirit, these are the things that last forever"

This portrait gift was from all the children for grandparents' 25wedding anniversary in February 2, 1982.

Family potrait taken after May's graduation in 1997

My grandparents wedding on February 2, 1969 Segamat, Johor

A Cheerful bride married to the Chong Family. She was 26 when she got married. Lived 5 years in Segamat, Johor before moving to Petaling Jaya, where she spents the rest of her life here. Life was hard but persuasive and determined. She raised all her 3 children well and many others as a baby sitter all these years.
She cooked, sewn, gardened, sing and live happily with her family. In 1985, she saw her youngest daughter got married. In 2004, she witnessed mommy & daddy got married and last year 2006, her eldest child settled down. It was a very busy year for her. There were house renovation, Kevin (first grandchild) was borned in July, Keri (second grandchild) in Germany came along and the marriage of Kin Kiat.

She had great joy caring and taking care of many babies in the past but the best was being able to hold and care for her own grandchildren. It is sad that she was not able to spent more time with her family now. Her wishes were fulfilled

Grandma 30th birthday celebration at the PJ house.

This was grandma before she got married to grandpa. She was a sweetheart in the school. Active and caring for her friends and family. She came from a BIG family of 13 brothers and sister. Educated in the convent school, she was active in school.

Family picture taken in PJ after moving to our first new house from Segamat. in 1974. Mommy is with grandpa, Aunty Sze Ngee with grandma and Uncle Kin Kiat next to grandma.



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